Bonnie and clyde (1967)


Bonnie and clyde

Directed by – Arthur Penn

Not all love stories are simple. They might seem to be. But they are not. Bonnie and Clyde is one such story. Its about two fugitives who find love, happiness and despair in their journey of robbing banks where nobody can catch Clyde Barrow and nobody can replace Bonnie Parker in his life. He is fascinating. She is extraordinary.

Its interesting how they make a film that just talks so much – through Bonnie’s eyes, Clyde’s body language, through the dusty roads of Oklahoma and yet it all comes together in a peaceful culmination – as if trying its viewers to understand them. I would like to pen down their famous poem here but I don’t want to ruin the experience for the ones who haven’t watched it yet. But when you do, remember this – it hits.

Kickass torrent link to download – click here

4 thoughts on “Bonnie and clyde (1967)

  1. Another great movie of near excellence and another nice quick little review here.
    Love the poster. One thing you forgot to mention is that it was based on real life account of two infamous lovers and bank robbers.

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